No, he passed away on October 5, 2011.
Fred Jones is 32 years old (birthdate: March 11, 1979).
Fred Rogers - footballer - was born in 1910.
Fred Sargent was born on 1912-03-07.
Fred Robert Trotter was born in 1861.
Fred Shuttlesworth was born on March 18, 1922.
Fred Lee Shuttlesworth was born on March 18, 1922, in Mount Meigs, Alabama, USA.
no Fred shuttlesworth is not dead
He was born Robinson, but when his mom remarried, she changed his (and his siblings') name to Shuttlesworth.
Frederick "Fred" Shuttlesworth was 89 years old when he died on October 5, 2011 (born Fred Lee Robinson, March 18, 1922).
Fred Lee Shuttlesworth's birth name is Freddie Lee Robinson.
Fred Shuttlesworth
Ed Shuttlesworth was born on 1952-06-04.
He married Ruby Keeler and he married Sephira Bailey later in life.