Timebomb - Chumbawamba song - was created in 1993.
The Old Fashioned Way - song - was created in 1973.
Garden - song - was created on 2003-08-20.
This Is Who I Am - song - was created on 2009-10-09.
The Coffee Song was created in 1946.
Flawed Design was created on 2006-01-17.
Man created philosophy, hence it's flawed.
Song for You - Misia song - was created in 2004.
Morning Song - song - was created in 1995.
Life Is a Song Worth Singing was created in 1977.
Christianity is not flawed
He - song - was created in 1954.
But Not for Me - song - was created in 1930.
A Song for You was created in 2007.
There It Is - song - was created in 2000.
Him - song - was created in 1983.
With My Song was created in 1980.