US actor Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters) is 72 years old (birthdate: December 17, 1945).
Ernie McAfee died in 1956.
Ernie McKone was born in July 1966.
Ernie Karpeles was born on November 1, 1957, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Ernie Goldthorpe was born on 1898-06-08.
Ernie Hudson was born on December 17, 1945.
US actor Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters) is 72 years old (birthdate: December 17, 1945).
No, Ernie Hudson and Jennifer Hudson are not related although they are both popular stars who have starred together in the Lifetime original movie, Call Me Crazy: A Five Film
No, he's still alive.
On December 17, 2045.
Ernest Lee "Ernie" Hudson as Winston Zeddemore.
Ernie Hines was born in 1938.
Ernie McAfee died in 1956.
Ernie Epp was born in 1941.
Ernie Konnyu was born in 1937.
Ernie Bonelli was born in 1919.
Ernie McAlister was born in 1957.