Well if you are talking about what is under the bantha costume in epi 4 it is a elephant.
Write a bunch of questions related to your research and hand out copies for people to fill. Enter all the data in a spreadsheet package and analyze with sspc or epi info.
please i hope watching thise movie (city of angels) thanks
hmmm...in epi 5x4 he did....but that's not for anouther 5 years so no worry yet!!
Iris Born was born in 1954.
Elvis Taione was born on 1983-05-25.
Sione Taione was born on 1971-09-02.
Epi Quizon was born on 1973-01-23.
Epi is usually used as shorthand for epinephrine, as in an Epi-pen.
definition of epi leather
Epi ta proso was created in 1882.
One likely possibility would be "epi."
it could be EPI, which i also a name of an epidemiological graph (epi-curve)
epi/gastricEpi- (above)gastr (stomach)-ic (pertaining to)
epi refers to "upon" or on-top endo refers to "with-in" or inside
In epidemics epi- stands for /about the people/ Epidemy of a particular portion (area) of people. But to understand "EPI" well read the following: epi [-dē′mē·ol′əjē] Greek Word, epi(means around, on, for, over, about) + demos (means people), logos (means science) Epidemilogy :The branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations. Importance of 'epi' here is Around the people, For the people, about the people