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25th march 1982

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Q: When was Elishah Oesch born?
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When was Karl Lennart Oesch born?

Karl Lennart Oesch was born on 1892-08-08.

When was Tom Oesch born?

Tom Oesch was born on September 27, 1980, in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.

What is the birth name of Tom Oesch?

Tom Oesch's birth name is Thomas Oesch.

When did Karl Lennart Oesch die?

Karl Lennart Oesch died on 1978-03-28.

What has the author Wilhelm Martin Oesch written?

Wilhelm Martin Oesch has written: 'Solus Christus' -- subject(s): Theology

When was Aschlin Ditta born?

Ditta Oesch was born on July 1, 1919, in Bern, Switzerland.

What has the author Pekka Oesch written?

Pekka Oesch has written: 'Levyarvostelun tuolla puolen' -- subject(s): Rock music, Musical criticism, Periodicals

What has the author Daniel Oesch written?

Daniel Oesch has written: 'Redrawing the class map' -- subject(s): Cross-cultural studies, Social classes

What has the author Silja Joneleit-Oesch written?

Silja Joneleit-Oesch has written: 'Die Kirche und die Gurus' -- subject(s): OUR Brockhaus selection, Christentum, christliche Dogmatik

Who was the leader for Finland in world war2?

Lennart Oesch and Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim

What has the author Walter Oesch written?

Walter Oesch is known for writing books on consumer behavior and retail marketing strategies. He has authored works such as "Consumer Behavior: A European Outlook" and "Retail Marketing Management: Principles and Practice."