Edmond Haley was an astronomer, who predicted the return of what is now "Haleys Comet"
Edward Smout was born in 1898.
Edward Oxford was born in 1822.
Edward Rodney was born in 1590.
Edward Nottingham was born in 1948.
Edward Lyttelton was born in 1855.
Halley's Comet (that's easy, right?). Although it had been observed before, Halley was the first to discover that it was the same comet that returned at regular intervals, instead of a different object each time, and calculated its orbital period. There also exists a lunar crater named Halley.
Victor Halley was born in 1904.
Halley Feiffer was born in 1984.
Antoine Halley was born in 1593.
Rudolph Halley was born in 1913.
Robert Halley was born in 1796.
Halley Stewart was born in 1838.
Paul Halley was born in 1952.
Jen Halley was born in 1971.
Edmond Halley was born on November 8, 1656.
Dave Halley was born on 1986-10-12.
Henry Hampton Halley was born in 1874.