Doug Kerslake was born on 1950-03-03.
Doug Pentek was born in 1939.
Doug Larson was born in 1926.
Doug Moe was born on September 21, 1938.
Doug Penty was born on May 18, 1967, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Mike Wead was born on 1967-04-06.
Frank Wead was born on October 24, 1895, in Peoria, Illinois, USA.
Doug Wead has written several books, including "All the President's Children" and "Game of Thorns: The Inside Story of Hillary Clinton's Failed Campaign and Donald Trump's Winning Strategy." He is also a presidential historian and a former adviser to two presidents.
Doug Stegmeyer was born in 1948, in New York, USA.
The phone number of the Wead Library is: 518-483-5251.
Doug Livingston was born in 1954.
Doug Strange was born in 1964.
Doug Kerslake was born on 1950-03-03.
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The address of the Wead Library is: 64 Elm Street, Malone, 12953 1594
Doug Waterhouse was born in 1916.
Doug McAvoy was born in 1939.