He is not credited as being in Donnie Darko.
The duration of Donnie Darko is 1.88 hours.
Donnie Darko is Jake Gyllenhaal and Elizabeth Darko is his sister Maggie Gyllenhaal.
Donnie Darko was released on 10/26/2001.
The Official Donnie Darko website is at the related link below .
Donnie Darko - soundtrack - was created on -20-12-10.
'S. Darko: A Donnie Darko Tale '
The Production Budget for Donnie Darko was $4,500,000.
Donnie Darko was released on 10/26/2001.
He is not credited as being in Donnie Darko.
The duration of Donnie Darko is 1.88 hours.
Donnie Darko is Jake Gyllenhaal and Elizabeth Darko is his sister Maggie Gyllenhaal.
Donnie Darko was released on 10/26/2001.
The Production Budget for Donnie Darko was $4,500,000.
The Official Donnie Darko website is at the related link below .
You can find information about Donnie Darko costumes online from the Party City and Amazon websites. Once on the site, do a search for "Donnie Darko Costume."
The artwork in Donnie Darko's bedroom is M.C. Escher's "Eye" .