Don Wolz's birth name is Donald Edward Wolz.
Don Wolz died on November 3, 1985, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Alwin Wolz was born on 1897-09-22.
Else Wolz was born on January 14, 1908, in Kleinschwalbach, Germany.
WOLZ was created on 1988-10-31.
Yes, the correct way to write it would be "from the Wolz's" with the apostrophe indicating possession. It shows that something belongs to the Wolz family.
Alwin Wolz died on 1978-09-15.
Else Wolz died on July 10, 1983, in East Berlin, East Germany.
Lois Jane Hall Wolz has written: 'Aylworth, Aylesworth, Ellsworth, Elsworth family'
Don Hahn was born in 1955.
Don Manley was born in 1945.
Don Gorton was born in 1960.