David Elsworth was born in 1939.
David Candelaria was born in 1976.
David Smith - sportsman - was born on 1884-09-14.
David Edwin Knight was born in 1962.
David Kim was born on 1963-05-24.
David Stifel is 6' 4".
Michael Stifel was born in 1487.
Stifel Nicolaus was created in 1890.
Michael Stifel created the plus sign (thanks alot)
Michael Stifel died on 1567-04-19.
The symbol for Stifel Financial Corporation in the NYSE is: SF.
The cast of Citizen Skywatch - 2011 includes: David Stifel as Citizen One
As of July 2014, the market cap for Stifel Financial Corporation (SFN) is $1,265,435,857.38.
As of July 2014, the market cap for Stifel Financial Corporation (SF) is $3,032,225,282.35.
Michael Stifel in 1544.
Michael Stifel in 1544.