Bakone Justice Moloto was born in 1944.
Christian Justice was born on November 4, 1988, in USA.
David Elsworth was born in 1939.
David Candelaria was born in 1976.
David Smith - sportsman - was born on 1884-09-14.
David Justice was born on April 14, 1966.
David Justice's ethnicity as listed by him is Black. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio.
David Justice is Straight not Bisexaul
Retired Associate Justice of the Supreme Court David Souter is a Republican. He was born in 1939 in Melrose, MA.
David Justice is 51 years old (birthdate: April 14, 1966).
David Justice was listed as six-foot three throughout his professional baseball career.
David Adeang is the Minister for Justice for Nauru.
David Hanson.
Justice Akrofi was born in 1942.
Andrew Justice was born in 1951.