Colette Sigma was born on November 30, 1953.
Joseph Louis François Bertrand was born on March 11, 1822.
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Colette Besson died on August 9, 2005, in La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime, France of breast cancer.
Colette Claire's birth name is Colette Meade.
Colette Bryce was born in 1970.
Colette Caillat was born in 1921.
Colette Mélot was born in 1947.
Colette O'Neil was born in 1937.
Colette Brand was born in 1967.
Colette Brown was born in 1969.
Colette Inez was born in 1931.
Colette Rolland was born in 1943.
Colette Maire was born in 1952.
Colette Khoury was born in 1931.
Colette Justine was born in 1952.
Colette Bourgonje was born in 1962.