R. H. Robertson was born in 1849.
Cliff Robertson was born on September 9, 1925.
Christine Gonod was born in 1950, in France.
Christine Astin was born in 1970.
Christine Lydon was born on July 19, 1966.
yes, he married miss christine and started a family.
Christine Robertson has written: 'A history outline of Port Dalhousie, 1650-1960' -- subject(s): History 'A nickel a ride' -- subject(s): Biography, Social life and customs 'Financial Management'
Julian Robertson was born in 1933.
Gavin Robertson was born in 1966.
Ruth Robertson was born in 1905.
Herb Robertson was born in 1951.
Fred Robertson was born in 1911.
Ted Robertson was born in 1929.
Stuart A. Robertson was born in 1918.
Jocky Robertson was born in 1926.
Deborah Robertson was born in 1959.
Tex Robertson was born in 1903.