Camilo Minero was born in 1917.
Adolfo Camilo Díaz was born in 1963.
Federico Alberto Cuello Camilo was born in 1966.
Camilo Murillo's birth name is Camilo Murillo Jenero.
Camilo Huerta is 184 cm.
Camilo Egas died in 1962.
The painting las floristas was painted by the ecuadorian artist, Camilo Egas.
Egas Moniz was born on November 29, 1874.
Jose María Egas was born in 1896.
António Egas Moniz was born on 1874-11-29.
Egas Moniz was born on November 29, 1874 and died on December 13, 1955. Egas Moniz would have been 81 years old at the time of death or 140 years old today.
Camilo Sesto was born on September 16, 1946.
Camilo Minero was born in 1917.
Camilo Marin was born in 1913.
Tiago Camilo was born in 1982.
Camilo Ynitia was born in 1803.
Camilo Henríquez was born in 1769.