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ceo is an abbreviation meaning "chief executive officer"

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Q: When was CEO created?
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It was the Staff, Dev, CEO, etc. that did since they were the ones who created ROBLOX.

Who is the CEO of The Sims?

The Sims itself isn't a company, and doesn't have a CEO, but The Sims was created by Will Wright, the co-founder of Maxis, the company that developed The Sims.

Who is created

The company was founded in 2003 by Ramu Yalamanchi who is also the current CEO

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Sentence Format - President and CEO or President and CEO?

"President and CEO"

What is Deputy CEO?

The Deputy CEO is the person who stands in if the CEO is absent.

CEO s name of top 20 Indian companies?

Microsoft (satya nadella) Nokia (CEO rajeev suri) Toyota (CEO Akio Toyoda) Intel (CEO Brain Krzanich) Coca Cola (CEO muhtar kent) Sony (CEO kazuo hirai) IBM (CEO Ginni rometty) general motors (ceo mary T.Barra ) General Electric (CEO Jeffery Immelt) Nike (CEO Mark Parker) Citigroup (CEO michael corbat) Hewlett-Packard (CEO meg Whitman) Samsung (CEO Dr.oh-Hyun Kwon) Oracle (CEO Larry Ellison) Cisco (CEO John T.Chambers) Epson (CEO john Lang) Logitech (CEObracken P.Darrell) Canon (CEO Fujio Mitarai) Dell (CEO Michael S. Dell) LG Electronics (CEO Bon-moo Koo) Acer (CEO jason chen )

What has the author Maria do Ceo written?

Maria do Ceo is a fictitious character created by Portuguese poet Luis de Camões in his epic poem "Os Lusíadas" (The Lusiads). Maria do Ceo is a symbol of inspiration and divine guidance for the Portuguese explorers in their quest for new lands.

Can a deputy CEO replace the CEO?

Yes, a company may choose an internal or external candidate to replace a CEO. The deputy CEO is one of the possible internal choices for CEO.