Brad Lackey goes by Bad Brad.
Brad Hoss was born on January 22, 1982, in Mentor, Ohio, USA.
Brad Cotter was born on September 29, 1970, in Opelika, Alabama, USA.
Brad Rioux was born on September 7, 1982, in Quebec, Canada.
56 years old. Brad was born on December 18th, 1963
Brad Lidge was born on December 23, 1976.
Brad Lidge was born December 23, 1976, in Sacramento, CA, USA.
Brad Lidge is 6' 5".
Brad Lidge's birth name is Bradley Thomas Lidge.
Brad Lidge Brad Lidge
Brad Lackey goes by Bad Brad.
Brad Lidge is 34 years old (birthdate: December 23, 1976).
Brad Lidge, the former baseball relief pitcher, was born in Sacramento, California on the 23rd of December in the year 1976. Whilst he was still young his family moved to Englewood, Colorado.
Brad Lidge currently has 51 consecutive saves (end of 07 - present). He is 33 saves short of the record of 84.
Brad Lidge is 6 feet 5 inches tall. He weighs 210 pounds. He bats right and throws right.
Brad lidge
brad lidge!