Curley Johnson was born on 1935-07-02.
Honey Boo Boo's given name is Alana Thompson.
Boo Boo Stewart likes girls that are funny, down to earth and has a caring soul. Boo Boo does not like girls that are fake, but keep it real.
Shirley had a stuffed pet cat, named Boo Boo Kitty.
Yogi bear
Boo Kullberg died in 1962.
Jakob Kullberg was born in 1979.
Rolf Kullberg was born on October 3, 1930, in Pohja, Finland.
Rolf Kullberg's birth name is Rolf Evert Kullberg.
Rolf Kullberg died on September 3, 2007, in Espoo, Finland.
Boo Boo Davis was born on 1943-11-04.
Peggy Kullberg has written: 'Charles E. Nelson' -- subject(s): Travel, Maori (New Zealand people), History
Boo Boo Stewart was born in Beverly Hills, California on January 21, 1994.
Karl Boo was born in 1918.
Boo Harvey was born in 1966.
Boo Morcom was born in 1921.
Boo Saville was born in 1980.