Hana Nasser was born on 1991-03-27.
He wants to try to remember being home, so the violin helps him stay sane.
DWLS was created in 1955.
Conus orbignyi was created in 1831.
Drosera rupicola was created in 1982.
Ringing in the Sane was created in 2007.
Sane Advice was created in 1979.
Aladdin Sane was created on 1973-04-13.
The Sane Asylum was created on 1987-05-01.
Last of the Sane was created on 2001-01-23.
Aladdin Sane - song - was created on 1973-04-13.
To Cure the Sane with Insanity was created on 2003-05-26.
It Takes a Fool to Remain Sane was created in 2000.
'Bonum' is the Latin word for moral good, advantage or blessing. 'Bonum' is the nominative form and it's genitive is 'boni.'
The motto of Franciscan is 'Pax et Bonum'.
Est bonum.