Uncle Ben from the uncle Ben Rice, where was he born?
Uncle Ben's Rice was created in 1943.
The best flavor of Uncle Ben's rice will vary from person to person depending on their tastes. Uncle Ben's rice comes in white rice, brown rice, and long grain rice. One person did a study and found that the golden vegetable rice received the highest ranking with a score of 8 out of 10.
Ricey , I believe the answer is Unlce Ben, after the company Uncle Ben's Rice
Some flavours of the Uncle Ben's rice line are kosher. You'd have to check the packaging for certification.
No, that isn't even Uncle Ben on the rice package.
The USA. We grow 12% of world supply of rice.
How many do Uncle Ben's Own/Employees
To make chicken wild rice soup using Uncle Ben's rice, cook diced chicken, vegetables, and seasonings in a pot. Add cooked Uncle Ben's wild rice and chicken broth. Simmer until flavors blend. Serve hot.
uncle Ben's is dead he was so old man he dead on 1997 we still use the rice because it was best rice ever!..
Grocery-look for Uncle Ben's.
He was Frank Brown, the maitre d' at a Chicago restaurant frequented by the rice company's top executives before World War II and the name "Uncle Ben" referred to a Gulf Coast rice farmer that delivered to food buyers a high quality rice in the 1940's. Uncle Ben's was first based in Houston, Texas.