OKK Beograd was created in 1945.
Svetlana Ceca Ražnatović , Ušće Beograd- 250.000 ljudi !
Feti Dautovic was born on April 25, 1950, in Beograd, Yugoslavia.
Radojka Cvetkovic died in 2001, in Beograd, Yugoslavia.
DWLS was created in 1955.
Banca Intesa Beograd, memeber of a Intesa Sao Paolo Group
Banca Intesa was created in 1998.
The population of Banca Intesa is 2,004.
Banca Intesa's population is 56,958.
One can find information on Banca Intesa in many different places. One can find information of the Banca Intesa website, in local newspapers that have the business nearby, and by calling the business.
Hello. I need to do a transfer and need swift intesa banking codes
Banca Intesa provides banking for the individual, small to medium businesses, and corporations. Services of general banking, loans and mortgages, general banking, trading, and savings, just to name a few are offered to the individual. Banca offers a range of services for the corporate customer ranging from lending to non leanding. Banca Intesa is Russian based and provides services to over 25 surrounding Russian cities.
Banca Intesa offers a wide range of online services. Some of these online services include e-banking, service center, hal e-bank, online view statements and having insight to your account via Interactive Voice Response.
FK Beograd was created in 1929.
Beograd Live was created in 1997.
OSD Beograd was created in 1945.