Balamurali Ambati became the youngest doctor at 17 years old.
Balamurali Krishna AmbatiAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Utah-$271,756
The youngest doctor in the world was Balamurali Ambati, whop graduated at 17 from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in 1995. Hope this helps.
Balamurali Krishna was born on July 6, 1930.
Balamurali Krishna was born on July 6, 1930.
balamurali krishna
The cast of Ee Rojullo - 2012 includes: Saikumar Sampana Ambati Srinivas
It is not appropriate or accurate to assume someone's caste based on their surname. Caste is a complex social structure that varies across different regions and communities in India. Surnames alone are not definitive indicators of caste identity, as many surnames are shared by people from different castes. It is important to avoid making assumptions about someone's background or identity based on their surname.
Balakrishna Nandamuri is 57 years old (birthdate: June 10, 1960).
Prabhu Kumari Vanama is a Telugu author known for her literary works focusing on social issues, women's rights, and empowerment. She has written several books and poems that shed light on various topics related to society and human relationships, emphasizing the importance of gender equality and justice.
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