Bia Figueiredo was born on March 18, 1986.
Valy made the 'Bia Tu' music video and never thought he would become famous from it so he didnt try. But the studio who recorded the video desided to put it on Youtube and from there sooo many people loved it and it became an instant hit. One perticular viewer of the Youtube video was from an Afghan TV Station and aired Valy's BIA TU video on TV. From there he became and over night success and the TV host contacted Valy and received his other songs to air on TV and download to Youtube. From there he became the most popular Afghan singer :)
The cast of A Ilha do Amor - 1981 includes: Bia Baudet Valeria Belpy Ceres Bilieur Morgana Bittencourt Michael Cipra Alberto De Mello Leila de Oliveira Daniel Ingber Carlos Liboredo Fernando Reski Bettina Sheirer Jorge Viegas
DWLS was created in 1955.
Conus orbignyi was created in 1831.
Mae bia was created on 2001-03-09.
Bia National Park was created in 1974.
You can download the song Bia Bia from the I-tunes store. Or go to a local record store, with some luck the shop owner will have a copy of the song Bia Bia.
Bia Montez is 5' 10".
The population of Bo Bia is 3,482.
ビアさん (Bia-san)
Giovanni Bia was born on 1968-10-24.
Bia Figueiredo was born on March 18, 1986.
Bia de' Medici was born in 1536.
Maria Francisca Bia was born in 1809.
Maria Francisca Bia died in 1889.
Bia Feres's birth name is Beatriz Moreira Feres.