Ava Addams's birth name is Alexia Roy.
Ava Addams does not currently have children. She is from Houston, Texas and was born of French and Italian descent.
ava Preston was born on June 2, 2004
Ava Marteens was born on December 4, 1986, in Aurillac, Cantal, France.
The Addams Family - Addams Family Values -
Ava Addams's birth name is Alexia Roy.
5' 4" (1.63 m)
Ava Addams does not currently have children. She is from Houston, Texas and was born of French and Italian descent.
Thihathu of Ava was born in 1396.
Tarabya of Ava was born in 1368.
Narapati of Ava was born in 1413.
Ava Shamban was born in 1955.
Ava Lowery was born in 1990.
Thihathura of Ava was born in 1431.
Ava Muhammad was born in 1951.
Fakir of Ava was born in 1813.