Alvorada was created in 1965.
Alvorada - film - was created in 1962.
Palácio da Alvorada was created in 1958.
The population of Alvorada is 214,953.
The area of Alvorada is 70.8 square kilometers.
The duration of Alvorada - film - is 1.22 hours.
The population density of Alvorada is 3,035 people per square kilometer.
Alvorada - 1962 is rated/received certificates of: West Germany:12 (bw)
Palace of Dawn is an English equivalent of 'Palácio da Alvorada'.It's one of the first buildings to be completed in the Brazilian capital city at Brasília. The 'Palácio da Alvorada' is the official residence of the President of Brazil. It has three floors and a total area of 75,000 square feet [7,000 square meters].
Mariana Ianelli has written: 'Treva alvorada'
Palácio da Alvorada - it is the "Brazilian White House"
In the Palácio da Alvorada, the official residence of the President of Brazil