Andreas Hermansson was born on 1973-01-08.
Andreas Cleyer was born in 1634.
Andreas Herder was born in 1964, in Lneburg, Germany.
Andrea Fischbacher was born on 1985-10-14.
Andreas Londos was born in 1786.
Fredrik Bild was born in 1974.
Harry Bild was born on 1936-12-18.
Martin Bild was born on August 8, 1986, in Sundsvall, Vsternorrlands ln, Sweden.
fur and bild
to bild a deck
Andreas Furtwängler was born in 1944.
Andreas Hermansson was born on 1973-01-08.
Bild was created in 1952.
Andreas Kunz was born on 1946-07-24.
The cast of Bild ohne Titel - 1997 includes: Andreas Dihm Gisela Gard Barbara Geiger Michael Gitter Bettina Kramer as Mutter Georg Scharegg Robert Schielecke Alexander Stephan Nina Vom Wege
Andreas Dückstein was born in 1927.
Andreas Creusen was born in 1591.