Jennifer Aniston was born on February 11, 1969
Alexander Nikuradse was born in 1900.
Alexander Sproat was born in 1834.
Alexander Leipold was born in 1969.
Alexander Osmerkin was born in 1892.
John Aniston was born on July 24, 1933.
John Aniston was born on July 24, 1933.
Brandy Aniston was born on October 19, 1986, in Orange County, California, USA.
Jennifer Aniston was born on February 11, 1969
Nicole Eggert is 45 years old (birthdate: January 13, 1972).
Jennifer Aniston is 48 years old (birthdate: February 11, 1969).
Alex Aniston is the youngest son of a famous actor John Aniston from his second marriage. He is well known and is quite popular because of his half-sister Jeniffer Aniston, but Alex never associates or involves himself with his family’s background. The early life of Alex Aniston: When it comes to the topic regarding his early life, he was born on 2nd May 1989. In California. Alex Aniston has entirely spent his childhood in California and he completed his early education from his hometown and later on, he completed his higher studies Please stay tuned with us for a full biography of Alex Aniston.
yes Jennifer aniston is from Greece, ( her fathers side is greek) she was born in Greece and then moved to sherman oaks LA when aged 1,
Jennifer Aniston was born on February 11, 1969. She is currently 39 years old. Her birth name is Jennifer Aniston, not Jennifer Anastasakis. Her father John Aniston had changed the spelling of his last name to Aniston from Anastasakis before his marriage to Nancy Dow, and the last name that appears on Jennifer's birth certificate is Aniston. Jennifer Joanna Aniston. Her original family name is Anastassakis, but it was changed before she was born. February 11, 1969 ok you need to now your actors better. jennifer's reall last name is not aniston. it was much longer than that and aniston was only the first part. she had to shorten her last name because she went into acting and you cant have that long of a name so she shortened it to aniston when she became an actress.
Alexander Rankine was born in 1881.
Alexander Mashkevitch was born in 1954.
Alexander Cory was born in 1890.