Dave Franco lives in Palo Alto Californa and goes to palo alto university and was born in palo alto californa
Alex Arcadia was born in 1971.
Alex Duda was born in Cleveland, in Ohio, USA.
Alex Gaudino was born on 1970-01-23.
Alex Scott - actor - was born in 1929.
Alex Amaral was born on September 21, 1968, in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Marko Palo was born in 1967.
Davor Palo was born in 1985.
Urve Palo was born in 1972.
Palo Macho was born in 1965.
depends where in sao palo the capital a apartment can average 800 $ a month in American dollars and a home 1000 to 2000 $ but in Brazil you pay in real homes in Sao Palo, Rio de Janeiro, Curutiba, and Brasilis tend to cost more there more heavy popluated but Curutiba might be the cheapest of the 4
Mari Palo was born in 1975, in Finland.
Hang Sao was born in 1939.
Sao Shwe Thaik was born in 1894.
Tran Vang Sao was born in 1942.
Sao Saimong was born on 1913-11-13.
Palo Bielik was born on December 11, 1910, in Senica, Slovakia.