Alejandro Junco de la Vega was born in 1948.
Alejandro Zorrilla de San Martín was born in 1909.
Aza Haze was born on November 9, 1984, in USA.
Alejandro is 5ft 8in
Alexandro Aldrete's birth name is Alexandro Aldrete Briones.
MLB player Alejandro De Aza was born in Guaymate, Dominican Republic.
Alejandro De Aza was born April 11, 1984, in Guaymate, La Romana, D.R..
MLB player Alejandro De Aza is 6'-01''.
MLB player Alejandro De Aza throws left.
MLB player Alejandro De Aza weighs 195 pounds.
Alejandro De Aza plays for the Chicago White Sox.
Alejandro De Aza is a left fielder for the Chicago White Sox.
MLB player Alejandro De Aza bats left.
MLB player Alejandro De Aza made $4250000 in the 2014 season.
Alejandro De Aza debuted on April 2, 2007 and played his final game on September 29, 2013.
Alejandro De Aza is 6 feet tall. He weighs 190 pounds. He bats left and throws left.
Alejandro De Aza is number 30 on the Chicago White Sox.