If you are referring to the song. It was written by Russell Smith of the Amazing Rhythm Aces.
No, in Crib aces are always low.
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing - film - was created on 1955-08-18.
Timebomb - Chumbawamba song - was created in 1993.
The Old Fashioned Way - song - was created in 1973.
Aces - song - was created in 1992-03.
The song "Aces High" by the band Iron Maiden was fairly sucessful. This particular song was the band's eleventh single. The song has also been on 3 charts in the following places: 29,20, and then later on in 11th place. This song has also had many covers made for it over the years as well.
churchills speech followed by Aces high
Aces of the Deep was created in 1994.
Aces Abroad was created in 1988.
Philadelphia Aces was created in 1987.
The Rattlesnake Aces was created in 2008.
Wildwood Aces was created in 1985.
Rama Aces was created in 2012.
Aces of the Pacific was created in 1992.
Quebec Aces was created in 1928.
Melbourne Aces was created in 2009.