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It depends on which religion you are. In Islam for instance you are not allowed to have anal sex or have sex with your wife when she is on her period. In Christianity anal sex is a sin. Apart from that all is allowed as long as it is consensual.

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Q: When married are certain sexual acts a sin?
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Yes, the New testament teaches that it is a sin to have any sexual contact for unmarried Christians. Sex is only allowed for married couples, men and women.

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Obviously the perspective of what is and is not a sin will depend on who you are talking to, as different Christians have diffenent views on sin and what the Bible commands. One Christian perspective would to say that having a certain sexual orientation is not a sin - but wrongly acting on that orientation - eg. to have sex outside of marriage or sex with a person of the same gender - would be.

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None! Sex outside of marriage is considered a grave sin.

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The word sin is a religious term so it would depend on what religion you worship. In Islam and some Christian beliefs it is a sin if you aren't married to the target of your temptation. Depending on the situation it may be ill advised, but I do not consider it a sin.

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One can't control thoughts so I don't think its a sin.

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Yes it is a big sin, you cannot have sex until you are married.

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