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A fort.

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Q: When jack follows Ralph up the rocks what does he think the castle rock would be good for in lord of the flies?
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What does roger say to Ralph as the appoarch the rock castle?

Roger does not say anything to Ralph as they approach the "rock castle" in the Lord of the Flies. Instead, Roger silently throws rocks at them from above, demonstrating his cruelty and violent tendencies.

In Lord of the Flies chapter 6 when Jack follows Ralph up the rocks what does he think the castle rocks would be good for?

Jack thinks that castle rock would make a good fort. He finds a trickle of running water under which he says, a coconut shell could be placed. Jack also though that the overhanging rock ledge would provide shelter and that the approach to castle rock, across a narrow causeway of rock would be easy to defend against atatckers or the beast, especially by using the boulders on top of the cliff as weapons.

Why is exploring the castle like rock formation a scary proposition and who does sit in lord of the flies?

Exploring the castle rock formation is scary because it is unstable and dangerous, with potential risks of falling rocks and collapsing walls. In "Lord of the Flies," the character who sits on the castle rock is Roger, who becomes a symbol of violence and savagery within the group.

What color is the platform in Lord of the Flies?

The platform is made of pink granite, just like all the other rocks on the island, including the mountain and castle rock.

What does Ralph find strange around the rolling rocks?

That they're rocks. And they're rolling.

How could you attack a castle?

burn it and/or use a trebuchate to fling rocks (big) in the castle and knock it down

Ralph insists they check the mountaintop for the beast and relight the fire. What is it that the other boys want to do?

Some of the boys wanted to return to the shelters while the rest wanted to remain on castle rock and roll rocks down onto the causeway.

How do you get all coins in backyard skateboarding?

in castle level you can hit the rocks outside the castle by ollie.You will arrive 1 tower,and you can take all coins,but not all rocks are working

How were rocks used in the building of some types of castle?

Two layers of rocks (gaps in rocks filled with mortar) and earth in between the two layers of rocks.

Where does Ralph get his weapons?

I don't think Ralph uses any weapons in lord of the flies. Jack uses weapons though. Jack and the other boys create spears from wood in the jungle. he has a pocket knife on him when the plane crashes on the island so he also has that with him through out the novel.

What caused the plane to crash and what happened to the plane after the crash Lord of the flies?

In the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, the plane crashes on a deserted island due to an unspecified accident. After the crash, the plane wreckage is left scattered and abandoned on the island, symbolizing the boys' severed ties to civilization.

How did the materials on the castle change?

wood changed to stones or rocks.