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a pencil skirt and combat boots

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Q: When jack comes from the fire what is he wearing?
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When jack comes for the fire what is he wearing in the lord of the flies?

He is wearing clay and blood

What does Jack return with in chapter 4 in Lord of the Flies by William Golding?

A Pig that he killed and that is when Ralph gets mad because Jack put out the fire to kill the pig and that is when the ship came but there were no saved because of Jack killing a pig. (Why is Jack SOOO Supid?)A slaughtered pig

What lures the navy ship to the island in lord of the flies?

while Ralph is running away from jack in the end of the book, Ralph tries to hide from him. jack lights a fire and it starts to get out of hand. the navy ship sees the large fire on the island and comes to see what it is.

In lord of the flies how does jack solve his problem of how can you make fire?

Jack solves the problem of making fire by stealing Piggy's glasses, using them to start a fire and cooking meat. He disregards Piggy's suggestion of using the glasses for rescue signals, instead prioritizing his desire for power and control over the boys.

Why does jack start the whole area on fire?

jack starts the fire to get ralph out of his hiding

Why does the boy's plan rescue fail in lord of the flies?

Jack lets the fire go out so when the ship comes pat no one got rescues because the ship could not see the fire.

What is the irony of the boys action at the fire the outsiders?

The irony of the fire is that Ralph kept insisting that the fire will get them rescued and Jack didn't care, but in the end, the fire that Jack started was the fire that got them rescued.

Who is the fire sensei on CP?

The fire sensei is just Sensei from the regular Dojo but wearing a fire suit.

Struggle to survive?

To Build a Fire= By jack London comes to mind. It doesn"t light up!

Who is phinox bird?

a phoenix bird is a fire bird that comes from the ashes of a fire or actually comes from a fire.

What is Ralph angry about sees the ship?

It was Jack's job to maintain the fire, but he was hunting instead. Ralph is mad because while Jack was hunting the fire went out and a ship went by. If Jack had maintained the fire they might have been rescued.

How does Jack intend to get fire?

When Jack is asked, in chapter 10: the Shell and the Glasses, how they will light the fire he replied, "We shall take fire from the others." Later that night Jack went with Roger and Maurice to raid the shelters and stole Piggy's glasses.