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Rob Van Dam is a retired professional wrestler best known for his stint in WWE and ECW. He is currently retired and pursuing movie and TV program productions.

As of now he is not planned to return to the WWE.

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Q: When is rob van dam going to return to WWE?
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When is Rob Van Dam going to return to the WWE in 2008?

he will shortly likely by cyber Sunday

When is rob van dam is return to WWE 2009?

I don't think that rob van dam is going to return in 2009 because his wife Sonya has Colon Cancer. He had revealed on April 23, 2008.

Is Rob Van Dam returning to the WWE?

Yes, Rob Van Dam is surely returning to WWE. His return will be a PPV or Pay Per View hit.

When will rob van dam return to WWE?

unfortanately he will not be coming back to wwe unless its a special occasion

Will rob van dam return to the WWE in 2009?

No one knows for sure if rob van dam returns or not. Some people think that RVD will return at summerslam 2009. But no one knows the answer yet.

Will Rob Van Dam Come Back?

he says he will return to the ring, he might not return to wwe or ecw. it would be in 2008.

Where is WWE summerfest 2009 going to be at?

Some people think SummerSlam 2009 is going to be in Detroit,MI because some people think that ROB VAN DAM will return and it is Rob's home state.But no one knows for sure.

When will Rob Van Dam return to the WWE?

He's returning to wrestling as soon as his wife heals from cancer,but we don't now whether he'll return to WWE or TNA.

Is rob van dam staying in the WWE?


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Who rob van dam friend?

rob van dam has al ot of friends but his best friend is his brother, hardys, and you the wwe

Is the hardys and rob van dam coming back to WWE?

No they are not