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some time in the spring :) x

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Q: When is icarly igot jungle worms going on tv?
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When is icarly igot jungle worms going on?

some time in the spring :) x

What is the next episode of icarly after IToeFatcakes?

iGot Jungle Worms

What is the episode's name after itoefatcakes on icarly?

That is season 6th first episode iGot Jungle Worms.

Is one direction going to be on iCarly?

Yes, they have already recorded it and its called 'IGot Jungle Worms'. It will be aired on the 13th April

Will there be a sixth season of iCarly?

Yeup .. There's gonna be the 6th season igot jungle worms starring One Direction. Awesome band. If you Haven't heard about them which is impossible.. search up their song What makes you beautiful.

What are the ratings and certificates for iCarly - 2007 iGot Detention 1-19?

iCarly - 2007 iGot Detention 1-19 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

What episode in i Carly has One Direction?

It is season 6 episode 4 and it's called iGo one direction

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iCarly - 2007 iHave My Principals 3-5 was released on: USA: 17 October 2009

When does the icarly episode igot a hot room come out?

It comes out July 30th

Is there going to be an iCarly season 4?

There's gonna be a season 4 of Icarly and It airs on JUNE! The first couple of episodes are IGot a Hot room, Ido, and "iSell Penny-Tees!If you don't believe me go see

Whose locker did Sam break into from iCarly?

On igot Detention she breaks into Freddy's locker to get scented markers to make icarly's 50th web show spectacular sign.

On iGot Detention - iCarly how does Freddie sneek in to the Detention room on icarlys 50 webshow spectacular?

he comes in thru the window