Drew Thomsen's birthday is June 27, 1988, which makes him 20 years old.
Drew Pinsky goes by Dr. Drew.
Baby drew is Chris browns cousin on his mothers side
Drew Zeran was born in Toronto, in Ontario, Canada.
Drew Sease is 5' 10".
Drew Carey was born on May 23, 1958
Justin Drew Bieber's real birthday is March 1,1994
it doesn't show in the series Drew's birthday, so many people just fan girl and pick anything they want. personally, i picked Drew's birthday as May 17th. :)
His birthday is February 11th, 1990
Drew Gooden was born on September 24, 1981.
Kara Drew was born on July 15, 1975.
Drew Seeley was born on April 30, 1982.
Drew Pearson was born on January 12, 1951.
Drew Bledsoe was born on February 14, 1972.
Drew Brees was born on January 15, 1979.
Drew Fuller was born on May 19, 1980.
David Drew was born on April 13, 1952.