Scott Totten is the musical director of the touring Beach Boys and his birthday is on October 1st.
Willard Scott was born on March 7, 1934.
Austin Scott was born on March 13, 1985.
Jonathan Scott-Taylor was born on March 6, 1962.
Most days he's on at 8:33, but not everyday.
Scott Storch goes by Scott Storch on the Keys, and Scott the Rapper.
Matthew Scott Montgomery's birthday is March 16th, 1978.
January 2, 1974 is Scott Underwood's birthday.
Dred Scott's exact birthday is unknown. He was born into slavery in Virginia in 1799.
Scott Peterson was born on October 24, 1972.
Scott Mills was born on March 28, 1974.
Ken Scott was born on April 20, 1947.
Scott Bakula was born on October 9, 1954.
Ridley Scott was born on November 30, 1937.
Scott Brown was born on September 12, 1959.
Scott Thompson was born on June 12, 1959.
Scott O'Dell was born on May 23, 1898.
Beckie Scott was born on August 1, 1974.