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Unknown. The actor who portrays him (Josh Hutcherson), however, was born on October 12th, 1992.

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Q: When is Peeta Mellark's Birthday?
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What are Peeta Mellark mellarks skilles?

Knows how to bake

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What is Peeta mellarks name?

Josh Hutcherson plays Peeta Mellark in the Hunger Games movie.

What is Peeta Mellark role?

Peeta mellarks role in thg is that he is just the boy with the bread, he loves katniss and is a bakers son. in the end peeta puts all his trust in katniss which cause a lot of trouble in the future.... Nightlock

When is Peeta's birthday?

It Never Tells You

What is Peeta mellarks special ability?

Peeta is very strong and can lift extremely heavy objects, from his experience of slinging sacks of flour over his shoulder when he was baking bread. Also, from his experience of decorating and frosting cakes of which his Mother taught him, he is very good at disguising, camouflaging and painting himself.

What does Katniss do with the cookies Peeta's father gave her?

She throws them out of a window! Katniss wants nothing to do with the Mellarks so she ungratefully gets rid of the cookies.

What is Peeta's birthday?

no one really knows as it doesn't say

How old is Peeta Mellarks brother rye?

It depends really; some 'authors' in fanfic chose the age of Peeta Mellark siblings as it isn't mentioned in the book. Most 'authors' chose Rye to be 4 years older than Peeta.So in the first Hunger Games Rye Mellark should be 18 years old; last year for the reapingshope this has been helpfulMrs Mellark signing outMrs Mellark

Which of Frederick Douglass arguments for marking the abolition of slavery an aim of the war do you find most convincing?

The 12th one because Peeta Mellarks bread taste soo good in that one.

Is Peeta single?

No, Peeta is not single.

What is Peeta's occupation?

Peeta is a/an ArtistBaker