Katniss' birhday is May 8th. She says this when she is describing how her family survived after her Father died. She says "I kept telling myself if I could only hold out until May, May 8th, I would turn twelve and be able to sign up for the tesserae and get the precious grain and oil to feed us."
Katniss Everdeen is the main character of The Hunger Games. She lives in District 12, and voluteer for her sister, Primrose Everdeen, in the Hunger Games. She later survives the Hunger Games with Peeta.
Katniss Everdeen was born on May 8th as noted in the Hunger Games trilogy. But, it does not tell her birth year. With calculations that I did, It shows that Katniss was born in about 2063-2066. If you are wondering, to come to this conclusion, I simply toke the year that The Hunger Games was published, 2008, and the year of The Hunger Games, 74, and added them together which gave me 2082. Then I added the age which Katniss was at the time, 16, and subtracted it. Giving me 2066. The reason which i added 2063-2066 is because you don't know the actual year in which she was born. I hope this answer helps! :)
Peetas dad have gave Katniss cookies.
Portia is the stylist of Peeta in the 74th and 75th Hunger Games.
Peeta and Katniss is Penis or Peetas Kats
i think he is shocked
It wasn't blood, it was the berry's juice.
Peetas dad have gave Katniss cookies.
They are bakers.
Peetas love has a strong effect on the crowd. This will help out int he future.
Peeta's skills are camouflage, painting, and baking!
Medicine for Peetas leg.
He has a missing leg that he was given an artifical replacement for.
Peeta's parents are bakers
Peetas father bakes bread.
sadly, no:( But, that would be amazing:D