The birthday of Jackie Christie, wife of former Basketball player Doug Christie, is July 7th.
Jackie Chan is 64 years old (birthdate April 7, 1954). To calculate his age (in years) on his birthday this year, subtract his year of birth (1954) from the current year. CURRENT YEAR - YEAR OF BIRTH = AGE IN YEARS.
Jackie? Jackie bowie? i know her(; love allie
Jackie Evancho goes by Jackie.
Jackie Cooper married to June Horne from 1944 to 1949 Jackie Cooper married to Hildy Parks from 1950 to 1951 Jackie Cooper married to Barbara Rae Kraus in 1954
Jackie Prucha is 5' 5".
Jackie Pullinger's exact birthday is not known. She was born in the year of 1944. She was a missionary.
Jackie Cooper was born on September 15, 1922
Jackie Cooper was born on September 15, 1922.
Jackie Robinson was born on January 31, 1919.
Jackie Leven was born on June 18, 1950.
Jackie Parker was born on January 1, 1932.
Jackie Shroff was born on February 1, 1958.
Jackie O was born on January 31, 1975.
Jackie Fisher was born on January 25, 1841.
Jackie Blanchflower was born on March 7, 1933.
Jackie Gleason was born on February 26, 1916.
Jackie Pallo was born on June 12, 1926.