Well, there hasn't been any info about it yet, so it it's anyone's guess whether they're even planning on making the second season.
Yes, the magic circles in Umineko no Naku koro ni are very real. They are taken from the book "The Key of Solomon".
If ratings remain high during Season 2, Season 3 will get the go-ahead but if there is a Season 4, it will most likely air in late 2012.
Online Petition for second season of AIR GEAR! http://www.PetitionOnline.com/jpk57100/ go put your vote in. if you have more email addys you can do it as many times as you want.
if you want to get it in english, you can go to the website witch hunt, and there you can download it.
The Cleaner (13 x 1 hour) - Season two premieres Tuesday, June 23 at 10PM ET/PT.info here: http://www.congenialityguy.com/2009/05/13/ae-announcing-the-cleaner-season-2-premiere/__________________________________________________The cleaner has been renewed for 13 new episodes which are set to air "sometime in 2009". They have not given a specific date but there will be a season 2!
Umineko no Naku Koro ni happened in 2007.
Umineko - 2004 is rated/received certificates of: Japan:R-15
when does season 2 of 90210 air in south Africa
Umineko no Naku Koro ni was created on 2007-08-17.
More4 started to air Season 2 on Sunday 17 October 2010.
The anime series "Umineko no Naku Koro ni" (When the Seagulls Cry) has 26 episodes .
when does supernatural season 2 air back on tv in new zealand?
January 2011
George of the Jungle - 2007 Rainy Season Love in the Air 2-2 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G
Lord u
They have made it official.. Dance Moms Miami - Season 2 is cancelled :(