The television show, "Father Knows Best" was on the air from 1954 until 1963. Despite its long run, it was not the first family show on television.
The disney channel show "My Babysitter is a vampire (first found in Canada)" did go off the air.
2 months
Guiding Light's first television air date was June 20, 1952.However, this show began as a serialized radio show on January 25, 1937.
The first TV soap opera (Faraway Hill) aired in 1946.Guiding Light premiered as a radio show in the 1930s and moved to TV in 1952.
The television show, "Father Knows Best" was on the air from 1954 until 1963. Despite its long run, it was not the first family show on television.
The disney channel show "My Babysitter is a vampire (first found in Canada)" did go off the air.
Malcolm in the Middle is a successful American comedy TV show. The show was first aired on January 9, 2000.
2 months
December 30, 1963
April 1987
Beavis and Butt-Head first aired on MTV.
The 29th of November 1989 first aired the MTV Unplugged television show. It was hosted by the American singer-songwriter, Jules Shear for the first 13 episodes.
Will Smith's first TV show was "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," which aired from 1990 to 1996. In the show, he played a fictionalized version of himself who moves from a working-class neighborhood in Philadelphia to live with his wealthy aunt and uncle in Bel-Air, California.
The Today Show premiered on January 14, 1952.
I believe on the 24th of Septmeber in 2003, in America.