The cast of Jimmy Swaggart - 1977 includes: Jimmy Swaggart as himself
jimmy swaggart has had only one wife, Frances Anderson swaggart whom he married when she was 15 and he was 17.
Jimmy Swaggart was born on March 15, 1935
The wedding of Joseph Larson that occurred on the Jimmy Swaggart show on June 15, 2013.
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Yes, Jimmy Swaggart married to Frances Swaggart in 1952
Jimmy Swaggart married to Frances Swaggart in 1952
As of 09/2014, Grace Larson of the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries is engaged.
The cast of Jimmy Swaggart - 1977 includes: Jimmy Swaggart as himself
jimmy swaggart has had only one wife, Frances Anderson swaggart whom he married when she was 15 and he was 17.
Jimmy Swaggart was born on March 15, 1935
Gabriel Swaggart is married to his wife Jill Swaggart. They have children together and are actively involved in the ministry alongside Gabriel's father, Jimmy Swaggart.
Jimmy Swaggart was born on March 15, 1935.
Jimmy Swaggart was born on March 15, 1935
Jimmy Swaggart is not on a cult watch list.
Jimmy Swaggart is a/an Evangelist, singer, author, pastor, pianist