The retarded rooster is seen in episode 2 of season 8 of Family Guy which is entitled "Family Goy."
because he's a baby
The next Family Guy episode will be season 8, episode 4 "Brian's Got a Brand New Bag". It will come out on November 8, 2009. Its when he dates an old lady and he is the laughing stock of the family.
No such character exists on Family Guy
Family Guy :)
They don't appear to exist but just Google Family Guy Song Books and links to sheet music appear.
Its a take on the intro from "All in the Family."
The retarded rooster is seen in episode 2 of season 8 of Family Guy which is entitled "Family Goy."
On the 30th of February ;)
September 29, 2009
Fawkes was the regular family name of Guy Fawkes.
Because Video Games and TV have different ratings I would imagine.
The 'Leafers' appear in Lethal Weapons
November 20th 2012
Family guy is not filmed. Family guy is animated