Lil Wayne has 4 Grammys.
William Wayne Justice died in 2009.
Alton Wayne Roberts died in 1999.
Wayne Chatfield-Taylor died in 1967.
Wayne Howard died on 2007-12-09.
Wayne D. Overholser was born in 1906.
Wayne D. Overholser has written: 'Tal der Graber' 'Cast a Long Shadow' 'Brand 99'
Winfred Overholser died in 1964.
D. Wayne Calloway died in 1998.
Wayne D. Wright died on 2003-03-11.
Winfred Overholser was born in 1892.
Henry Overholser was born in 1846.
The area of Lake Overholser is 6,070,284.6336 square meters.
James A. Overholser has written: 'A contemporary Christian philosophy of religion' -- subject(s): Christianity
The phone number of the Overholser Mansion is: 405-528-8485.
Joel Overholser has written: 'Fort Benton' -- subject(s): Economic conditions, Harbors, History
The address of the Overholser Mansion is: 405 Nw 15Th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73103