Maria Vittoria De Fornari Strata died in 1617.
Catherine Colonna was born on 1956-04-16.
Vittoria Di Silverio's birth name is Maria Vittoria Ghirighini.
Maria Vittoria Trio was born in 1947.
29 December 1924 due to heart failure while being operated for his cancer.
Vittoria Colonna Di Stigliano's birth name is Vittoria Colonna.
Vittoria Colonna
Henry Roscoe has written: 'Vittoria Colonna : her life and poems' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Vittoria Colonna'
A list of Vittoria Colonna's books is the English equivalent of 'Vittoria Colonna elenco libri'. In the word by word translation, the noun 'elenco' means 'list, inventory, index, catalogue'. The noun 'libri' means 'books'.
She was Important for her poetry
Vittoria Colonna, the marquess of Pescara.
Michelangelo fell in love with Vittoria Colonna
Michelangelo never married, though he did have a relationship with Vittoria Colonna.
Yes, Vittoria Colonna incorporated humanist themes in her work, especially in her poetry. She was known for blending her spirituality with humanist ideals, such as the importance of reason, education, and the pursuit of knowledge. Colonna's poetry often reflected humanist concepts like individuality, virtue, and the value of classical literature.
she waz born in marioa,but know one is exactly sure where she lived for her whole life.
Prospero Colonna died in 1523.