Tom Rolfing died on April 24, 1990, in New York City, New York, USA of AIDS-related illness.
Tom Rolf was born on December 31, 1931, in Stockholm, Stockholms ln, Sweden.
Tom Iredale died in 1972.
Tom Eastick died in 1988.
Tom Hyer died in 1864.
Tom Crooke died on 1929-04-04.
Tom Rolf was born on December 31, 1931, in Stockholm, Stockholms ln, Sweden.
Heinrich Rolfing is 183 cm.
Heinrich Rolfing was born in 1958.
In 1977, she authored Rolfing: The Integration of Human Structures.
Ida P. Rolf has written: 'Rolfing' 'Ida Rolf talks about rolfing and physical reality' -- subject(s): Rolfing, Human Body, Human body. 'Rolfing - La Integracion de Las Estructuras'
There are no reported serious side effects associated with Rolfing when delivered by a certified practitioner to adults and juveniles.
Ida P. Rolf
Rolfing is a type of bodywork just like massage is a type of bodywork. Some would say that Rolfing is a form of massage but there isn't any clear definitions of massage and bodywork. Rolfing is a systematic method of working with the body for the purpose of realigning the body to relieve the stress points that can lead to pain and injuries. Massage can be Swedish Massage, Triggerpoint massage, thai massage, etc
Use the Alexander Technique. Possibly some rolfing.
Rolfing has also been used to treat such specific physical problems as chronic back, neck, shoulder, and joint pain, and repetitive stress injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome.
Basic Rolfing treatment consists of 10 sessions, each lasting 60-90 minutes and costing about $100 each. The sessions are spaced a week or longer apart.
Many amateur and professional athletes, including Olympic skaters and skiers, use Rolfing to keep in top condition, to prevent injuries, and to more quickly recover from injuries.