Tex Ritter
John Ritter's father was country western singer and actor Tex Ritter and actress Dorothy Fay (Southworth). He was NOT related to Thelma Ritter.
Tex McGuire died in 1992.
Halsted L. Ritter died in 1957.
Tex Ritter's birth name is Ritter, Woodward Maurice.
Tex Ritter Passed away in the state of Tennessee . He (January 12, 1905 - January 2, 1974) died of heart failure .
Tex Ritter was born on January 12, 1905.
Tex Ritter was born on January 12, 1905.
Tex Ritter
Tex Ritter went by America's Most Beloved Cowboy.
Tex Ritter
Tex Ritter was born in Murvaul , Texas . He passed away January 2, 1974 in Tennessee .
The phone number of the Tex Ritter Museum is: 903-693-6634.
"White Flash" . This was the name of Tex Ritter's white horse .
Tex Ritter was born on January 12, 1905 and died on January 2, 1974. Tex Ritter would have been 68 years old at the time of death or 110 years old today.