Sal La Pera died on December 2, 1986, in New Rochelle, New York, USA.
Sal Mineo died on February 12, 1976 at the age of 37.
Pera Atasheva's birth name is Pera Moiseyevna Fogelman.
Sal Pacino died on January 12, 2005, in Covina, California, USA of heart attack.
Radames Pera is 6' 1".
Sal La Pera was born on August 12, 1913.
Sal La Pera's birth name is George LaPera.
La Pera's population is 446.
The area of La Pera is 11.51 square kilometers.
Otso Pera died in 1969.
According to Google Translate, la sal means "the salt"
Abel Pera died in 1975, in Brazil.
The address of the San Juan County Library La Sal Branch is: Mile Marker 9 Hwy 46, La Sal, 84530 9999
Saelices de la Sal's population is 69.
Poza de la Sal's population is 387.
The population of Cabezón de la Sal is 8,234.