they only broke up because Rhianna is a snobby bit**who needs so shut the fu*** up and leave my Chris Brown alone she is a non trusted Rhianna if you agree holler back if you don't agree well go and fu*** off bit***
Chris Brown beat her up.
So Rhianna went to the doctor a couple months ago. She found out she had "climitia". It's pretty gross. So anyways, Rhianna had just got done doin the dirty Chris Brown up against the outside wall of the doctors office, so she went back outside and Chris was gone. Chris went back to go show his cousin how good he was getting at pulling out, and spread the disease to her without realizing what he had done. Later on that week, Rhianna and Chris see each other at this club, Chris's cousin alerts him at what she had cought, and confronts Rhianna about it, and she confirms. Chris then, bites Rhianna with his newfound oral herpes, and beats her down. So Rhianna went to the doctor a couple months ago. She found out she had "climitia". It's pretty gross. So anyways, Rhianna had just got done doin the dirty Chris Brown up against the outside wall of the doctors office, so she went back outside and Chris was gone. Chris went back to go show his cousin how good he was getting at pulling out, and spread the disease to her without realizing what he had done. Later on that week, Rhianna and Chris see each other at this club, Chris's cousin alerts him at what she had cought, and confronts Rhianna about it, and she confirms. Chris then, bites Rhianna with his newfound oral herpes, and beats her down.
she was a gold digger
NO, rihanna stayed with chris brown because she thought that chris brown just snap and went out of control that moment
Because he cheated on her on Rihanna
Chris Brown beat her up.
They were never together.
No because chris brown beated up rhianna
No, Rhianna and Chris Brown were dating until Chris Brown was accused of hitting her, and then they broke up.
Chris is mad at Rhianna because Rhianna cheated on him with T.I and that caused Chris to beat her up- Aiyana Bridges
Chris Brown beat her up.
chris brown beat her up because he was to think Rhianna had aids and if so screw chris brown its not her fault
Because Rhianna hit him first
Yes, Chris Brown and Rhianna broke up, now he is dating a member of Girlicious.
They broke up ages ago because Chris Brown assulted Rhianna so she was very angry with him. They are currently together again so Rhianna must like him to get back with a guy who assulted her.
In my own opinion, its pretty obvious that Chris brown might still be in love with Rhianna. but i think he doesn't like the things Rhianna is doing to him after they broke up. its not that he hates her. its just because of what she has become. also i think Rhianna is probably still in love with Chris brown to. But if she really loves Chris brown or Chris brown loves Rhianna, they should of thought twice before they act. nobody knows what really happen. but Chris brown should know he should move on and forget about Rhianna. she's probably talking about how much she is still in love with Chris brown and how much she misses him and can't get over him. But that should not get to Chris brown because that will mess up his career. i think Chris and Rhianna should move on with their life. i think that's whats best for them. and yes, we all know Chris brown did wrong. But if they both really love each other, they should be mature and none of this dumb childish drama because they are only hurting themselves. they should give themselves time to let the things cool down and when the time is right, and if they really want to get back together, and when they both agree, they should talked together, make up and forget about the past and say they are so sorry that it wont happen again.
Yes they did break up.