Haruma Miura is 178 cm.
Aika Miura's birth name is Yuu Hasegawa.
Mana Mikura is 156 cm.
Kentaro Miura is 45 years old (birthdate: July 11, 1966).
blue, green, and white
Miura Baien was born in 1723.
Baien Tomlin died in 1972.
Baien Tomlin was born in 1905.
Ayako Miura died in 1999.
Tsutomu Miura died in 1989.
Tamaki Miura died in 1946.
Miura Chora died in 1780.
Miura Gorō died on 1926-01-28.
Yes, Haruma Miura died on July 18, 2020
Kazuyoshi Miura died on October 10, 2008 at the age of 61.
Ayako Miura has written: 'Zoku hyoten' 'Ba ng die m'
Yoichi Miura died on May 14, 2000, in Shibayama-cho, Chiba, Japan of cancer of the esophagus.